How to dilute a remedy down in water

The long and short of it: Basically, you will create a liquid preparation of your remedy. Then you will take a portion of that liquid remedy (you homeopath will tell you how much) and put it into a glass of water. Usually, your homeopath will tell you to stir this glass a few times. If you’ve been told to dilute down in one glass of water, then you are done! If not, you just repeat the process for the required number of glasses. So, you put a portion of this glass of water into a second glass and stir. You keep going until you dilute it down in enough glasses.

Why bother?
Sometimes homeopaths will suggest diluting remedies down in water for people who react too strongly to their remedy. The dilution process is thought to make the remedy more gentle, but still work strongly enough to effect a cure. So if you find a 30C doesn’t do much for you, but 200C is too strong, diluting the 200C down in a couple glasses of water may allow you to get some of the benefits of the 200C, without the aggravation. It’s most commonly used if you are sent home with something, and you find out it’s too strong. This technique allows you to use the bottle you have and not go out and buy something else.

Sometimes a homeopath can tell you may react strongly to remedies ahead of time, and send you home with instructions to do this from the first appointment. You can tell someone may need a remedy to be diluted if they are someone who is generally “reactive”. Meaning they may have lots of serious allergies, they may get side effects from most or all supplements, prescription drugs, or herbal products. Or they have reacted strongly to homeopathic remedies in the past.

How to do the dilutions:
First, fill up the number of glasses you need with water. If you need to dilute down once, then fill one glass. If you need to dilute down in two glasses, then fill two glasses. And so one. Some homeopaths will have you dilute a remedy down 5 times, 7 times or more. It just depends on what you need (individualized medicine!). Make sure you have the same amount of water in each glass. If you need to do this every day or for a few days in a row, then measure how much water you put in each glass, so you can make the same dose every time. If you fill the glasses with 2 cups one day and 1 cup the other day by accident and react differently, then you won’t necessarily know how to rectify the situation.

Next, put the number of pellets or drops of liquid your homeopath (or you) prescribed into the first glass. Stir the water, but you do not need to wait for the pellets to dissolve. If you are diluting down in 1 glass of water, you are done!

If not, the next step has some different variations. You can either take the spoon you used to stir the first glass, lift it out and put it in the second glass and stir. This may look like you aren’t putting any of the remedy in the second glass, but a drop or two of water will be on the spoon from the first glass. So you are just putting a few drops of the (now medicated) water from the first glass into the second. The other variation is some homeopaths will have you take a teaspoon or tablespoon of water from the first and put it into the second and stir. Remember the more dilute the more gentle, so the spoon method will make a more dilute remedy; the teaspoon method will make a slightly stronger remedy.

Continue moving the spoon/teaspoon/whatever from glass to glass until you have done the required number of dilutions.

Don’t want to do this everyday?
Sometimes this dilution method is used daily. It can be annoying to have to do this process daily. So a trick I use is to have the last glass be a preparation of water and alcohol (I make it with 60-70% cheap vodka and the other 30-40% water). Because of the alcohol, it will be shelf stable and you can keep it wherever you like and take the prescribed number of teaspoons, drops, sips, whatever.
You can also just make it with water and put it in the fridge. The preparation will last a few days in the fridge without alcohol, before you need to remake it.

That’s it! Comment below if you have any questions or want to see any other demonstrations!


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